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Parents Car Broken Into Just Hours Before Flight

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Hi everyone,

30 years ago, my parents immigrated to the United States from South Korea for a better education and better lifestyle for my younger siblings and me. My father and mother had planned to permanently return to Seoul, South Korea today to take care of their parents with just 4 suitcases that included all their belongings.

Just 5 hours before their flight, their car was broken into at the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center in San Francisco. Fortunately, they were safe, but my mother’s passport, personal documents, and $10,000 in cash had been stolen. My parents have never asked for anything. And even during hardships they would never complain since they knew they were safe and okay. But this is not okay, and for our parents who have worked so hard for 30 years to support their children and parents, in their final day in America, it comes down to this?

My siblings and I would truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers and please consider being a donor by making a small monetary contribution to support them. Any amount would truly be of enormous financial and emotional help.

Thank you.

Spendenteam: The 3 Siblings (2)

Samuel Park
Grace Park
Team member

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